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Posts tagged ‘Sugar’

The Great Sugar Debate

It seems no matter where you look someone or something is talking about sugar. Defending it, promoting it, discussing its evils, all of the above!

One particular point of interest in this sugar debate is the IQS (I Quit Sugar) book and program, published a few years ago by Sarah Wilson. A few followers of this blog had brought up the topic of IQS to me in the past and wondered what my position was on it….

The topic of the IQS program, and sugar in general, is one which I have studied extensively and for one simple reason.

My own health and wellbeing.

It should be said that although I am not a professional in this field, I have covered vast amounts of material striving for my own optimal health + I have no book out about sugar to sell you. For me this debate is fascinating and I am more than happy to share with you my thoughts on it.

With this being such a hotly-discussed debate where to start…. Read more

“I’m addicted to chocolate”

How many times do I hear these words in the course of a week!?
Far too many for me to turn a blind eye.

Might I add that I am one of the minority population who actually dislikes chocolate. Perhaps it stems from some childhood trauma I experienced? Who knows. I really have no tangible reason for my dislike, however my “chocolate” has been licorice; a vice since childhood.

Yes, it’s still the sugar hit though minus the brain soothing fat content that chocolate possesses.
The science tells us that a combination of sugar + fat is exceptionally pleasant brain food, however; in excess; not particularly positive for the figure or more importantly for our energy levels, long term.
When tired and under emotional stress; be it work issues, family, or relationships; we all have different coping mechanisms in place.

My observations over the years have led me to believe that the number one choice; coping mechanism; for a large percentage of women, is reaching for that bar or block of chocolate…not just one piece, but the entire block. Read more

Clean Muesli Bars

You eat a nutritious and nourishing breakfast at home and maybe even dinner as well though when you are away from home and hunger strikes what do you reach for?

Our bodies natural response when we are hungry and not fed is to reach for easily converted energy foods. Enter….sugar!!

Whether it be for your mid-morning, afternoon or weekend snack try these delicious muesli bars AKA bird bars. Packed full of slow-releasing energy and quality fats in the form of oats, nuts & eggs, they are also free of refined sugar!

These muesli bars are simple to make and great for (big) kids as well! I often make these quickly on a weekend whilst prepping lunch or dinner and by the time I’m done with that, these guys are ready – it really is that simple. Slice into bars and you’re set for the week, organised and confident to avoid the vending machine, cafe snacks or emergency block of chocolate!

Clean Muesli Bars (makes a loaf)
Vegetarian / Refined sugar-free
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1 cup almond meal
  • 1/2 cup raw walnuts, chopped roughly if you prefer or whizzed in the food processor
  • 1/4 cup natural sultanas (no oil)
  • 1/4 cup goji berries
  • 1/4 cup raw pepitas
  • 1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds
  • 3 free-range eggs
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (preferably alcohol-free)
  • 1/4 cup good quality olive oil
  • 1/4 cup raw honey


Pre-heat oven to 175 degrees (electric)

Place all ingredients into a large mixing bowl and fold through

Line chosen baking dish with greaseproof paper and a tiny bit of oil/butter

Pour mixture into baking dish and into the oven for 25 minutes

Allow the loaf to cool, take out and serve!!

This snack is great with a cup of tea!!

Store in an airtight container and consume within 1 week. The bars can also be stored in the fridge and will become firmer when kept in this manner.

Average bar – 50g

Calories – 222 calories

Clean Wholefoods Clean Muesli Bars | Nadia Felsch

Let me know in the comments below if this is a snack that you’ll be trying out??

xxx Nadia xxx