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A day in my life….

A few people have been interested in exactly what I eat, when I eat it, how much of it and the training that I do…

I thought it would be fun to track; and of course photograph; each meal, my training and show you my day.


A day in my life.

It was tough to choose which day of the week to present to you so I decided to do that next day. Not everyday in my life is the same; just like yours. This means the food I eat, the training and work that I do is also different though there are a few common themes which you will see.

Tuesday 21st May 2013

7am – awake and super excited for breakfast (as usual!!)

715am – breakfast for the day is an awesome gluten-free combo of raw buckwheat (despite the name it is gluten-free) & walnut porridge adapted from the amazing topped with Greek yoghurt, stewed rhubarb + apple and a sprinkling of cinnamon. This breakfast provides clean and lean protein from the yoghurt, walnuts & buckwheat, grain content from the buckwheat, good fats from the walnuts and carbohydrates from the rhubarb & apple. Delicious and nourishing food and a brilliant start to the day.

Calories – 517

Raw Buckwheat & Walnut Porridge

Raw Buckwheat & Walnut Porridge

9am – at work with a soy latte

Calories – 97

single shot soy latte

Single shot soy latte

11am – morning snack time and today it is 2 hard boiled free-range eggs rolled in Za’atar which is a Middle Eastern spice mix of sumac, sesame seeds and herbs. This snack is a delicious protein hit that is easily digestible and keeps my energy levels firing until lunchtime.

Calories – 168

Such a wonderful go-to snack

Such a wonderful go-to snack

145pm – have been looking forward to this salad all morning and oh my goodness it did not disappoint! I enjoy new salad combos and putting the flavours together would be my speciality in the kitchen. Each of my salads starts with a similar base and the ratio is somewhat the same. Beginning with greens and generous amounts of them; I also ensure to use a variety of greens. The next step I consider a protein source; or several; and ensure the amount is in line with 2 things – my energy requirements for the day (work and training) as well as my other meals and their protein content. After this has been decided I think about exciting flavour combos to add to this mix. Sometimes this may be 2 ingredients and other times it could be 10! It is my firm belief that salad is not lettuce…BORING! Sometimes the salads will include grains – from brown rice to quinoa – though again the decision is based on those same reasons as for protein. I will always include fresh herbs and either EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) or some of my home made pesto through the salad. Today we have a long list…

Rocket, alfalfa sprouts, chickpeas, black beans, grilled chicken breast, goat’s cheese, baked Dutch carrots, baked eggplant, red onion, tomato, avocado, parsley and my homemade pesto throughout.

Calories – 495



430pm – a quick carbohydrate hit for the afternoon and a few pages of a classic novel. There was another small plum enjoyed though I ate it too quickly for the photo to be taken… Work is almost done for the day and training is now imminent…

Calories – 30

A teeny-tiny and delicious plum (of which the other one I enjoyed was consumed too quickly for the photo)

A teeny-tiny and delicious plum (of which the other one I enjoyed was consumed too quickly for the photo)

6pm – hard cardio time! Tuesday evenings are traditionally a mix of boxing, sprint and circuit work with my trainer however he was away today and so I completed a similar workout…

Fast skipping sets, boxing rounds, circuit strength work and finishing off with brutal running sprints.

Time – 50min

Calories burnt – 500

A killer session of  fast skipping sets, boxing rounds, circuit strength work and finishing off with sprints

A killer session…

7pm – recovery drink time of which I only consume 3 x per week after my intense training sessions. Mixed with cold water, this drink is high carb/high protein and since it was introduced to my training last year, it has really aided my performance.

Calories – 157

A high carb/high protein recovery drink

A high carb/high protein recovery drink

815pm – dinner is served! I have decided to have warm grains + warm carbohydrates with my protein for tonight so this meal is rocket, baked sweet potato, quinoa, pine nuts, avocado, bocconcini, fresh parsley, chives and balsamic drizzled over the top.

The formula followed is similar to what is mentioned for lunchtime though this meal is both warm and very suitable for a chilly winter’s evening after an intense workout!

Calories – 517

A warm and nourishing mix for dinner

A warm and nourishing mix for dinner

845pm – a high-energy day and low-calorie snacks have left me with a number of calories left to consume to be where I want for the day. These raw cacao fudge balls are often in my freezer ready for such an occasion and are incredible with a warm cup of strong peppermint tea. As nutritious and clean as these balls are; I still enjoy them sparingly and treat them as a sometimes food. Herbal tea = endless benefits + it counts as water intake!

Calories – 169

Raw cacao fudge ball is even yummier with a strong peppermint tea

Raw cacao fudge balls are even yummier with a strong peppermint tea

945pm – in bed with a good book ready to snooze and recharge…..

Total Daily Calories Expended – 2168

Total Daily Calories Consumed- 2150

One thing that is hard to include here is how much water I drink throughout the day and I can not stress enough how much my body thanks me for this. I have always consumed a lot of water through my life and it is very obvious when I have not had enough… However by then it is too late so best to not let our bodies get to that stage.

My bottle - image credit :

My water bottle – image credit:

Carry a BPA-free bottle with you at all times and it will become a good habit in your daily life.

As I said at the start of this post; not every day is the same in my life. Sometimes I go out with friends and enjoy a delicious glass of wine or a clean meal, on some days I eat much less than this as I move less and other times I eat more as I burn burn burn calories! If you would like to see more of my days you can check out Facebook – and Instagram for more photos and ideas –

How I live will not work for everyone and each of us different. However what I know for sure is that to prioritise your wellbeing is to ensure good, consistent sleep, clean and nourishing food (always), moving your body on a daily basis and managing your stress-levels through balance and organisation.

What does a day in your life look like??

xxxx Nadia

5 Comments Post a comment
  1. Hi Nadia,
    Love this. Your meals look delicious & will definitely be trying a couple. My days are similar however my training varies as I have a 2 & 3 year old. Lots of running whenever I can get out is what floats my boat however this new personal training studio (PRO Health in Hampton) has lots of cardio circuit sessions which I am getting into.
    Thanks for sharing x

    May 22, 2013
    • My pleasure Neets and it’s great to hear that you are staying so fit and active!!

      May 22, 2013
  2. Thank goodness you have some food for the mind in there with F Scott Fitzgerald – good taste in everything 🙂

    May 22, 2013
    • It is as important as everything else right? xxx

      May 22, 2013

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