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Posts tagged ‘gym’

Pay It Forward – $350 towards your fitness goals

The incredible (and growing) community that we have here on this blog is ever inspiring to both Mum and I. Seeing and hearing comments and photos from readers about how amazing they feel trying out new exercises, how yummy a recipe from the blog is and how they feel less overwhelmed on a subject after reading our posts is a real honour.

Blown away does not even begin to describe how it feels.

Although this journey of mine is now over 8 years in the making and I am really in the groove of it, I am still learning and it doesn’t feel too long ago that frozen pizzas, pathetic gym workouts and regular late nights were everyday life for me. If this is where you are at in your journey, good for you, good on you for reading a blog that is devoted to a clean, active and well life. In other words, you want better for yourself and that is freaking fantastic.

Not only do I remember how I used to feel though I also remember how incredibly impactful a little push or motivation can be, especially when it comes from the outside world. It was only a few weeks ago that I was the recipient of such a push and it rocked! You can read about that here.

So when Fitness First advised us that as part of our final month of working together on their CHANGE FOR THE BEST campaign, we would be able to Pay It Forward, we were excited to give back and inspire others on their journey. Read more

The truth behind that 6-pack

This is a post that in so many ways, I have been trying to write for 6 months.

It starts with a girl who ate whatever she wanted and lived her life, moves on to a girl who cried herself to sleep starving and full of anxiety, and ends (for now) with a girl who is trying her best to find balance.

The difference in weight between those 3 girls?

Less than 3kgs.

A whole lot of headspace and 3kgs.

In 2007 my renewed interest in fitness surged and competing in running events became my norm. A look to combine my swimming past with my running future led me to commence triathlon training, with the hope to compete in that sport in the months to come. With such a change also came the observation that my body and body fat were not on par with my competitors in that field. Read more

Change for the better + awesome reader giveaway

Mum has recently posted a piece on motivation and where it comes from. It was a great article that received wonderfully positive feedback and for us, timely also.

Just over a week into 2014 and Mum and Daughter were contacted regarding a wonderful opportunity. An opportunity to offer our readers further inspiration. An opportunity that allows us to give awesomeness to you over the next few months.

With Mum and I having trained at Fitness First since its’ very first day of trading in Australia, it made complete sense to us  to represent their new steps into the future. A new look. A new brand. A new direction.

I can tell you that standing in front of their newly refurbished Market Street Club in Sydney’s CBD watching acrobatic performers, hearing about as well as seeing their new vision and significant changes inside such an awesome new gym + meeting the sparkling Jane Fonda (their new ambassador) standing tall at age 76, I felt the change. Read more

A Festive approach to health

Wow, I can’t believe that we have come to the end of 2013!!!
Our blog has been in existence for over 10 months now and the passion that Nadia and I have for better alternatives to health & wellbeing has seen us build a great number of wonderful and dedicated followers.

I, as the Mum side of things would like to thank you all for your feedback and continued support. It has been a real treat creating and working alongside my daughter to inspire and promote increased health & wellbeing.
2014, with with your help, will be another amazing year for us.

Already in the works are videos, recipes (including an eBook from Nadia early in 2014), as well as exercise and nutrition advice from our own experience and research.

For now though, a topic that my clients inevitably bring up at this time of year… how you will keep fit, stress-free and still enjoy the festivities ahead at this time of year. The Festive approach to health… Read more

Tropical protein smoothie

For post-training or snack-time heaven is this tropical smoothie recipe.

Consuming high-quality protein + carbs after a workout has been immensely beneficial to both my energy levels and recovery. Typically, you should look for a protein powder with roughly 25g/protein per serve and minimal fat + carb content. Be sure to look out for any nasties such as preservatives and chemical sweeteners as well. Many people looking to lose body fat find great success with adding protein to their diets, especially in conjunction with effective strength training.

This recipe has become one of my favourites for our Australian summer… Read more

How to beat exercise anxiety

Could this be you?
You have never formally exercised, led a sedentary lifestyle, the gym freaks you out though you have decided to join one for the first time!

This is what is referred to as the early stages of behavioural change. As positive a step as this is, the change can still be accompanied by low self-confidence regarding exercise.

It may be a case of being overweight and your appearance make you self-conscious.
Or that the gym environment is very unfamiliar and “scary” to you.
Potentially it could be a fear of being surrounded by fitter and healthier individuals.
Or even that your preferred workout wardrobe consists of comfortable and loose clothing as opposed to the common perception of gym-goers dressed in tight fitting, low-cut and fashionable outfits.

Perhaps it is one or a combination of all of the above.

What you could be experiencing is a high level of Social Physique Anxiety (fear relating to the perception that others will negatively evaluate your physique), and low levels of Self-Presentational Efficacy (your expectations of how you will be received by others).
Simply put, you are experiencing negative thoughts, emotions and undue anxiety connected to this early stage of your exercise life. In all probability, these concerns would have been present before you embarked on the gym experience.

Fear not. Read more

A killer (and effective) workout

After not entering a gym for 4 weeks; and despite training during my trip; there is no way that I could walk back in and train as I did before leaving.

Not yet anyhow.

So what did I do for my first session back at my second home also known as Fitness First then??

By no means did I take it easy however rather than lifting heavy weights I instead focused on strength work in a circuit-style set-up and utilised all parts of the body.

Check it out below for a sweaty, heart and muscle busting workout….. Read more

Is there a use-by-date?

Do you often think and say something along the lines of “I am too old to start going to a gym or attempt any type of strength training”?

If any person; be them male or female; utters those words to me, I can without a shadow of a doubt convince them otherwise.

Yes, I agree that we all have “those” days. When those of us over 50 years of age suffer from the symptoms of feeling old. Aching joints, lower back discomfort, difficulty in climbing stairs, bending over, kneeling down and so on…

As true as that may be, please allow me to assure you of the below crucial fact.

You are not old. It is never too late. You are capable of achieving wonderful results from both body and mind when you commit to an exercise program. Read more

Chin-ups are not just for boys…

It is with great pride that I tell and SHOW you that I can do chin ups.

Not so long ago that seemed a near-impossible task. Last year when preparing for an upcoming race – The Tough Bloke Challenge – my trainer mentioned chin-ups would be an ideal area to work on. The challenge included several obstacles where hanging and holding your own body weight was required. Having always been decent at holding my own weight on the monkey bars at school I wondered how similar these two exercises may be… turns out… not so much!

The start of chin-ups for me

The start of chin-ups for me…

Eventually I could maintain a few chin-ups in a set though this particular type of strength training was not what I had been working on at the time. Even so; the joy I felt when I could actually perform a few chin-ups was wonderful! There is, without doubt, mental obstacles to performing chin-ups. Hanging there it can feel insane to think that you can lift your body up and over that bar!! Read more

How effective is your training?

As I spend a great deal of time at the gym training both clients and myself; people-watching has become somewhat of a daily occurrence for me.

Though I am not watching anyone in particular, it is quite apparent that amongst the “regulars,” there are many who even after years and years of training show very little, if any impovement or change regarding their body shape, tone, strength and weight loss. This is just as true for the men as it is the women.

What is evident and proven is the fact that unless you up the ante and challenge your body, there will be no change.

Performing the same program over and over again with no variation, load (weight) increases or the introduction of new exercises; results in the body becoming accustomed to this repetitive workout and your desired strength, tone and lean muscle gain will not be on the agenda. Read more